Airport Railway – Seoul Station to Incheon Airport in 43 minutes.

After arriving at the City Air Terminal in Seoul Station, passengers can check-in and check luggage in less than 20 minutes. Next, board the Airport Express (AREX) train and arrive at Incheon Airport in 43 minutes. Be sure to take the Express train that covers the 58km distance without stops. Continue reading


Kyobo Bookstore – first spotting.

Took a trip to Kyobo Tower in Gangnam-gu, Seoul tonight. There’s a large bookseller (Kyobo Books) located on the B1 level and it’s open until 10pm. I stopped by the Information Desk and asked for a book with the ISBN 9781624120121. The desk attendant handed me this map and book locator.

Book Locator-Kyobo Continue reading
