Cold! It was -10°C this morning in Seoul.
Cold weather – 추운날씨 (chu-un nalsi)
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Here’s an visual short read on the Year of the Blue Snake.
띠 (tti) – a person’s Chinese Zodiac
무슨 띠예요? (museun tti-yeyo?) – “What is you Chinese Zodiac?”
저는 __띠예요. (jeo-neun ___-tti-yeyo) – “I am____.”
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Happy (Lunar) New Year! 새해 복 많이 받으세요 (saehae bok manhi badeu-seyo)!
The Lunar New Year holiday is referred to as Seollal (설날). In 2025, the public holiday runs from 1/28-1/30. Wednesday January 29 is New Year’s Day.
Here are our Lunar holiday articles. Looking for popular greetings?
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This restaurant in Seoul provides multiple ways of eating a pork cutlet meal.
It’s speculated that, with political changes in the U.S., the Korean Won will continue to fall against the dollar. One US Dollar could break 1,500 Korean Won. For many, this makes it a good time to visit Korea.
Foreign exchange – 외환 (oe-hwan)
Our vocabulary-filler articles on money and foreign exchange rate:
Want to learn the Korean expression, to spend money like water?