The South Korean government will invest $1.5bil to develop the technology for a 5G network that’s 1,000 times faster than 4G LTE. A trial service is planned for 2017 and the service is shooting for a 2020 launch.
This entry was posted in News and tagged 5G , activation charge , adoption agency , agreement , alien registration card , attachment , Bluetooth headset , caller ringtone , camera , cancel , contents , contract , English menus , external memory , game , inbox , incoming call , installment payments , internal memory , manner mode , menu , missed call , mobile phone , mobile phone charger , monthly bill , organizer , outbox , outgoing call , passport , penalty for breaking contract , phone book , phone case , phone rate , ringtone , ringtone style , S-DMB , screen protector , security deposit , send message , settings , T-DMB , text message , three years , toolkit , two years , USIM card , vibration , voicemail , volume , weekday , weekend , world roaming by easykorean . Bookmark the permalink .
About easykorean
Designers are a Semiconductor Robotics Instructor and a Fine Arts/Graphic Designer
-'Easy to Learn Korean' newspaper series since 2009 (published in the Korea Times Englisher Newspaper Tues-Fri each week)
-Monthly contributing writers to the Gangnam Newspaper