Copyright © 2009-2020 Easy to Learn Korean .
The contents of this website, including all articles, illustrations, and any portion thereof, may not be reproduced, distributed, compiled, edited, reposted, or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author.
This entry was posted in Series and tagged a dragon was born. , creek , dragon , from rags to riches , He grew up in a small village with no money. , In the stream , My father rose from humble beginnings. , rags to riches , rich person , small stream , to be born , Today he has a successful company. , 개천 , 개천에서 용나다. , 그는 돈없이 작은 마을에서 자랐어요. , 무일푼에서 부자로 , 부자 , 오늘날 그는 성공한 회사를 가지고 있어요. , 용 , 우리 아버지는 개천에서 용났어요. , 태어나다 by easykorean . Bookmark the permalink .
About easykorean
Designers are a Semiconductor Robotics Instructor and a Fine Arts/Graphic Designer
-'Easy to Learn Korean' newspaper series since 2009 (published in the Korea Times Englisher Newspaper Tues-Fri each week)
-Monthly contributing writers to the Gangnam Newspaper