Copyright © 2009-2019 Easy to Learn Korean and the Korea Times .
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This entry was posted in Series and tagged apples , Carbon dioxide comes from the burning of oil and gasoline. , coal , Coal-fired electric power plants , cockroach , global warming and climate change , heat waves , mosquitos , subtropical climate , The average temperature is rising. , urban , warm temperate climate , 난온대기후 , 석탄 , 석탄 화력발전소 , 아열대 기후 , 연평균 온도가 올라가고 있어요. , 이산화탄소는 오일 및 가솔린 연소시 발생해요. , 폭염 by easykorean . Bookmark the permalink .
About easykorean
Designers are a Semiconductor Robotics Instructor and a Fine Arts/Graphic Designer
-'Easy to Learn Korean' newspaper series since 2009 (published in the Korea Times Englisher Newspaper Tues-Fri each week)
-Monthly contributing writers to the Gangnam Newspaper