I found this new snack that I like called Fried Chicken Drumsticks at the local supermarket in Seoul this week.
Hot Charcoal-Fire Barbecue – 핫숯불바베큐 (hat-sutbul-babekyu)
Fried Chicken – 닭 튀김 (dak twigim) or 후라이드 치킨 (literally the English words ‘fried chicken’-huraideu chikin)
They taste like fried-chicken flavored crackers and remind me of Pepperridge Farm’s Goldfish crackers, if you know those. The crackers are wrapped in aluminum foil inside of a small red box that’s strikingly similar to a takeout chicken box. It only costs 900Won (less than $1USD) and is actually worth trying. Real Korean-style Fried Chicken is one of my favorite foods and this definitely reminds me of that.
There are several ways to say chicken in Korean:
1.닭 – chicken
2.닭고기 – chicken meat
3.치킨 – literally the English word ‘chicken’
All three of these can be used for chicken meat. Here, 닭다리 (dak-dari) means ‘chicken leg, or chicken drumstick.