Pork cutlet set.

This restaurant in Seoul provides multiple ways of eating a pork cutlet meal.

Pork cutlet meal

돈카스/돈카츠- don-Kaseu/don-kacheu – breaded and deep-fried pork cutlet (from the Japanese word donkatsu)

Ways to eat the pork cutlet.

The instructions on the table offer two methods of eating:

1. 제일 첫 점을 집어 트러플 소금에 찍고 와사비를 조금 올려 맛보세요. First pick up a piece, dip it in truffle salt and top it with a little wasabi.

2. 돈카츠 소스를 깨 그릇에 섞어 고소하게 드셔 보세요.
{Crush the sesame seeds.} Then mix the donkatsu sauce in the (sesame seed) bowl and enjoy the rich flavor.

More info on the restaurant here.
