Korea’s original morning coffee – egg yolk, pine nuts, sesame oil, and walnuts.

The popular “energy drink” of the 60’s and 70’s has returned to Seoul cafes. Although it’s called morning coffee it has little to do with the bean drink that we all know and love. Before modern coffee shops ruled Korea, people frequented places called dabang. Although the word dabang means “tea or coffee house”, they are different than Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. Dabang are places that people could enjoy hot beverages while chatting with a hostess (most dabang now have older staff and many have closed). These coffee shops also provided a coffee delivery service by motorbike. A pretty girl would deliver the coffee to businesses or homes.

다방dabang a traditional Korean tea or coffee house


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Designers are a Semiconductor Robotics Instructor and a Fine Arts/Graphic Designer -'Easy to Learn Korean' newspaper series since 2009 (published in the Korea Times Englisher Newspaper Tues-Fri each week) -Monthly contributing writers to the Gangnam Newspaper