Easy to Learn Korean 543-544 – Bullying and cyberbullying


President Park Geun-Hye plans to re-prioritize school bullying on her agenda in response to recent suicides in Korean schools. Students spend long school days together within a competitive education system and bullying frequently surfaces as a result.

Full story here and here.
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Easy to Learn Korean 438-439 – Plastic surgery

438-Plastic Surgery 1 Koreans have a wide range of excuses for undergoing cosmetic surgery. Building confidence and self-esteem, getting a better job, and getting a competitive edge are the most common justifications. A rise in the standard of living and the rapid development of Korea have pushed individuals to believe that they need to constantly improve themselves. A vast industry has developed and plastic surgery has become inexpensive, accessible, safe, and socially accepted. For fun, young people get together and visit clinics to get an opinion on how they can improve their physical features. And due to peer pressure, they frequently return and proceed with the suggested surgery. Celebrities and the media portray cosmetic surgery as routine trips to the doctor’s office.

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